Patrick L Young is an entrepreneur/C-suite executive and a leading thinker about financial markets and investment.
He has worked throughout the world and is currently active in several emerging markets, particularly in “the New Europe.”
Originally a derivatives analyst and broker, Young has experience running an exchange and a boutique investment bank as well as working in private equity markets.
“The trouble with weather forecasting is that it’s right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it.”
– Patrick L Young
Intrigued by IT since childhood, Patrick is a web e-commerce pioneer dating back to 1994.
Patrick is the author of several books including the acclaimed “Capital Market Revolution”, “New Capital Market Revolution” and “The Promiscuous Investor” – all of which have proven prescient in their analysis of developments in everything from fees through stock exchange structure via the rise of hedge funds to the use of technology in commerce.
A passionate innovator, he has been in the vanguard of introducing new products such as Single Stock Futures and creating exchanges for the trading of contracts on Sports and Entertainment (the so-called “prediction”) markets. A proven thought leader, he has been a consistent advocate of technology, is web 2.0/digitally literate and is noted as both a financial visionary and lateral thinker in all aspects of financial markets.
He loves cars, adores ballet, opera & reading, is fascinated by food, wine and photography and thankfully, given his schedule, likes travelling.