Op-Edge is a new series of opinion pieces from experts in all manner of world affairs and Patrick L Young (the founder of YM) has been invited to be one of their line-up from launch.

Patrick L Young is expert in global financial markets working in multiple disciplines, ranging from trading independently to running exchanges. Born in Ireland, he is active in ’emerging markets’ and is a passionate investor in the “New Europe”. A regular guest on RT, his books include “Capital Market Revolution!” which outlined the future financial markets in the 21st century. He also edited “The Gathering Storm” which forecast, well, pretty much where the west is now.

Patrick has written opinion pieces for leading journals including the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal and speaks at conferences throughout the world. He runs his own annual symposium on the future finance: “Young Markets”. Patrick is Executive Director of DV Advisors and holds several non-executive directorships including Data City Exchange and Liquidnet Europe.

7 February 2016: Luck o’ the Irish, or a Celtic commitment to austerity?

20 January 2016: World Economy: Cheer up, the worst is yet to come

15 January 2016: Oil: Lubricating chaos around the world

© Atef Hassan © Reuters

27 October 2015: Poland: EU’s poster child turns Euroskeptic

7 October 2015: Trans Pacific Partnership – The Devil is in the details

24 August 2015: Market mayhem: Summer blip or a serious dislocation?

30 July 2015: Global economy 2015: As good as it gets

13July 2015: Greek Oxi-moron: When Bailout Means Servitude

6July 2015: The big fat Greek debt divorce

1 July 2015: Greece: The options

30 June 2015: Greek referendum: A liberal dose of democracy

28June 2015: Brussels: A bloody-minded ‘blob’ of costly dysfunction

23 June 2015: The IMF: A synchronized snub of Europe

20 June 2015: Another brick in the wall: Border fences symptomatic of economic dysfunction

17 June 2015: ‘Greece and EU believe in magic money tree that produces currency from nowhere’

6 June 2015: Oil: OPEC’s Lengthy Suicide Note

26 May 2015: Chicken or Egg? Brexit & the End of the EU

18 May2015: Polish voters show their disdain for politics as usual

12 May 2015: Britain’s economic future

28 April 2015: UK Elections: ‘Brexit’ or Ex-Brits?

21 April 2015: Finland: Exhibiting strain of northern independence

7 April 2015: Tsipras heads to Moscow hoping to get money from Putin?

1 April 2015: All Fools Day – But who are the eurozone April fools?

24 March 2015: Lee Kuan Yew – Political genius personified

18 March 2015: ‘Mindless vandals outside and inside ECB building’

24 February 2015: Greece – purgatory postponed

11 February 2015: Greece negotiates debt ‘holding a gun to Troika’s head and behaving like a spoilt child’

29 January 2015: ‘SWIFT is archaic, doesn’t stand up to modern digital age’

24 January 2015: Uber: A small step towards world bankruptcy

22 January 2015: Davos: The blob’s big day out

20 January 2015: Food fight: Has the EU endorsed its own genetic modification?

13 January 2015: ‘Placing EU in euro currency straitjacket made life impossible’

12 January 2015: 2015: A year of borrowed time?

7 January 2015: Is the US economy overstretched?

31 December 2014: Bitcoin 2.0: Revolution resumed

22 December 2014: Greece: Strangled by the euro-noose

19 December 2014: Putin’s press conference for all seasons

17 December 2014: Solstice searching: On market panics & currency collapse

14 December 2014: Brussels: Austerity is for the little people

2 December 2014: Cheap oil, falling ruble, but ‘things not as bleak as they might seem’

25 November 2014: A German ‘savior’ launches the Romanian reboot

11 November 2014: Multipolar trade in new era: Where ‘Asian pivot’ becomes vital to prosperity

10 November 2014: US foreign policy: The clash of righteous purpose

7 November 2014: The austerity mirage

25 October 2014: On Putin’s Valdai speech: The logjam in world diplomacy

23 October 2014: Europe’s panic button

20 October 2014: Moscow: an innovators paradise

9 September 2014: ​Sanctions tit-for-tat: Catch minus 22

2 September 2014: EU ‘mother-sucker’: Nanny state decrees dirty homes?

1 September 2014: Mr Tusk goes to Brussels – but can he save the EU?

28 August 2014: Black arts of banking: The higher rate dilemma

25 August 2014: ‘With no tangible economy it will be hard for Ukraine to pay off its debt’

22 August 2014: Europe: A Union of Common Censorship

19 August 2014: Europe’s reboot: Reform or die

18 August 2014: European recovery is a sweet fairy tale

11 August 2014: Bitcoin: Baffling or brilliant?

8 August 2014: Sanctioning food: Fueling opportunity

5 August 2014: The logic of modern diplomacy, aka sanctions 10

30 July 2014: Germany’s trade surplus: Feeding euro crisis

25 July 2014: Australia repeals the carbon tax blob. For good?

22 July 2014: New Development Bank ushers in a new era of money

16 July 2015: ‘US wouldn’t press for EU sanctions on Russia if it had any money risked’

10 July 2014: France: A last tango to economic disaster

9 July 2014: Banking on sanctions – a step too far?

4 July 2014: Bitcoin revolution wins over world

26 June 2014: Sex and drugs at the core of the EU’s economic development?

24 June 2014: ‘EU is completely politically and economically irrational dealing with Russia’

18 June 2014: Ukraine’s gas: Reversal of fortune?

10 June 2014: EU presidential hopeful blind drunk on Europhilia?

9 June 2014: ‘EU wants to decide who owns the pipeline operating outside it’

5 June 2014: Kindergarten politics: The juvenilia of the G7

30 May 2014: Eurasian Economic Union is wake-up call for US

28 May 2014: Eastern energy pivot threatens the US dollar

26 May 2014: ​EU elections: DINOsaurs duck first meteorite

21 May 2014: Russia-China deal: Even energy pivots East

19 May 2014: Chasing the rainbow: On tax, toothpaste and private bankers

13 May 2014: Can the EU build an empire without a bearded lady?

5 May 2014: Euroskeptics: Fractious factions

4 May 2014: German energy: Unsustainable eco-suicide

1 May 2014: Scarlet letters: US tool that usurps sanctions?

30 April 2014: BRICS building parallel IMF

29 April 2014: Euro elections: Searching for President Nemo

28 April 2014: ‘Obama and Kerry fail to show leadership qualities required to settle Ukrainian issue’

22 April2014: US-Japan: Pivoting apart?

21 April 2014: EU Super-state: Single-market Stalinism

18 April 2014: ‘More sanctions against Russia is mutually assured economic destruction’

16 April 2014: ​Bond bubble bursts anew

14 April 2014: ‘Time for a new recession’

8 April 2014: Euro-Catch 22: Mario Draghi’s woes over QE

4 April 2014: Upside down: America’s war on globalization?

31 March 2014: Free-fall: IMF to accelerate Ukraine’s economic collapse?

28 March 2014: Money from the gods: Iceland’s auroracoin & a new kind of independence

25 March 2014: Breaking bad: Separatists or pioneers of the future for microstates?

20 March 2014: Why did Europe choose the chaff over the wheat?

17 March 2014: Chinese banking liberalization: Time to invest in the walking dead

13 March 2014: EU stagnation: Why Soros says the Euro threatens the Union

11 March 2014: Dead budget walking: Obama abandons hope, gives up on change

5 March 2014: Ukrainian people will bear brunt of IMF deal with tough austerity

4 March 2014: What price taxation? Swiss privacy and the truth about offshore banking

3 March 2014: No money, no jobs: Europe’s growing desperation

28 February 2014: Why govt wants to steal your money

27 February 2014: Financial fairy dust: G20 detached from real world

24 February 2014: Death finance: Bankers have never been so insecure

21 February 2014: UK Green Party: ‘Ecoloons’ with totalitarian mentality

20 February 2014: Debt adjusted: EU rebrands bankruptcy

13 February 2014: Swearing bankers…but not how you might think

10 February 2014: Foreign investors ditching France for Russia

7 February 2014: Fed’s taper tosses emerging markets

5 February 2014: ‘Corruption lessons from a broad range of experts’

31 January 2014: EU bank reforms reveal hypocrisy, even from left-wing European govts

27 January 2014: Davos groupthink dangerously out of touch

23 January 2014: Day of reckoning for ‘Kickcanistan’?

16 January 2014: Time for EU to rebalance – or face Brexit

13 January 2014: Latvia brings growth to the eurozone

7 January 2014: Germany: The next sick man of Europe?

31 December 2013: The Year of Bitcoin

25 December 2013: South Sudan: Driving energy insecurity

18 December 2013: Pitchfork and pizzas – the death of Italian dolce vita

16 December 2013: US minimum wage issue – a symptom, not a solution

9 December 2013: South Stream: EU gas or a lot of hot air?

8 December 2013: Ukrainian people being used as pawns by the EU and US

3 December 2013: Dutch downgraded: EU shoots messenger

29 November 2013: Bitcoin bubbles but will it burst?

23 November 2013: EU should focus on internal problems, not Ukraine ‘vanity project’

13 November 2013: Bitcoin: Merging with the mainstream?

7 November 2013: Europe going to extremes: Are Far Right set to change face of Brussels?

23 October 2013: US govt beating up bankers for its own mistakes

17 October 2013: If you think the world of banking will become utterly transparent – that’s false

10 October 2013: America’s trade tango with Tehran

2 October 2013: America’s shutdown: ‘US government is like bickering teenagers’

2 October 2013: The American Empire: Grinding To A Halt?

25 September 2013: Arctic quest: The Great Game points north

13 September 2013: Which is stronger: The EU or the law?

9 September 2013: US sanctions only make Arab people supportive of dictatorships

4 September 2013: Why good banking is in the shadows ahead of G20

3 September 2013: G20: West to present its tax suicide note

20 August 2013: Ultimate confidence: World won’t go for gold standard anymore

22 July 2013: Motown: A broken record in the rust belt

11 July 2013: Move along please! There’s no crisis here

2 July 2013: US-EU fallout: Eavesdropping on the free trade

24 June 2013: Ben Bernanke: Banks, bonds and a big breakdown?

19 June 2013: A small step for men, a giant leap for world trade

British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) and U.S. President Barack Obama take part in a group photo for the G8 Summit in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland June 18, 2013 (Reuters / Kevin Lamarque) © Reuters

18 June 2013: Immigration: The Great Horde of Prosperity

AFP Photo / Leon Neal © AFP

24 May 2013: Bitcoin: Fad, fraud or the future?

The Copernican Revolution: the sun (sol in Latin) sits at the centre of the universe, contrary to original christian doctrine which wrongly thought everything revolved around the earth..

16 May 2013: France: Double dip or the edge of the abyss?

People take part in a demonstration on May 5, 2013 in Paris, called by Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of Front de Gauche (Left Front) left wing party, to protest “against the austerity, against the finance and to ask for a Sixth Republic”. (AFP Photo) © AFP

10 May 2013: Fear and Loathing in the EU

AFP Photo / Frederic Florin © AFP

1 May 2013: Iceland’s economic thaw a thorn in EU’s side

The Progressive Party chairman Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson (L) holds a meeting with the President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson (R) at Bessastaoir, the Presidential residence on April 29, 2012 (AFP Photo / Halldor Kolbeins) © AFP

24 April 2013: The end of austerity – dream or default?

Women march and hold flags during a demonstration organized by Portugal’s biggest trade union CGTP (Portuguese General Workers Confederation) against government austerity measures in Lisbon, on February 16, 2013 (AFP Photo / Patricia De Melo Moreira) © AFP

23 April 2013: Cyprus & bailouts: That great sucking sound

AFP Photo / Patrick Baz © AFP

9 April 2013: Eurozone: Death by a thousand cuts

French president of the Parti de Gauche and Left Front (Front de Gauche) candidate for 2012 French presidential election Jean-Luc Mélenchon (2ndL) shouts during a demonstration on January 15, 2012 in front of the Standard & Poor's Paris headquarters to protest against France credit rating downgrade and the financial markets. (AFP Photo) © AFP
French president of the Parti de Gauche and Left Front (Front de Gauche) candidate for 2012 French presidential election Jean-Luc Mélenchon (2ndL) shouts during a demonstration on January 15, 2012 in front of the Standard & Poor’s Paris headquarters to protest against France credit rating downgrade and the financial markets. (AFP Photo) © AFP

6 April 2013: Japan’s desperate, dangerous experiment

Japanese Prime Minister and president of ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Shinzo Abe (C) clinches his fist and shouts “bambaro,” or ‘fight’ with party members during their annual convention in Tokyo on March 17, 2013.(AFP Photo / Toshifumi Kitamura) © AFP

29 March 2013: EU’s kleptocratic intentions to result in confidence crisis

People queue up outside a branch of the Cyprus Popular Bank, Laiki in Nicosia, on March 29, 2013 (AFP Photo / Patrick Baz) © AFP

29 March 2013: ‘A giant sucking sound as money exits Cyprus’

18th March: Cyprus levy on savings: ‘An armed robbery by Brussels’

People withdraw money from a cash-point machine in the Cypriot capital Nicosia on March 17, 2013. (AFP Photo) © AFP

18 March 2013: Cyprus trust vote bailout

Protesters shout slogans during an anti-bailout rally outside the parliament in Nicosia March 19, 2013 (Reuters / Yorgos Karahalis) © Reuters


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