26th September – Finance Malta Keynote (May 27)
Victory of Death from Patrick L Young
30th May: BSTART > Developing a start-up culturehttps://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1748020561876474
4th May: Prosperity Conference 2017: City Stream: Stock Exchanges, Settlement & the Future of Euro Clearing
27th December: Startup Weekend Wrocław #4 FinTech
23rd December: Impact’16 fintech/insurtech #opening – Patric L. Young (Exchange Invest)
20th December: Patrick L Young: CEE Impact: A Child Is Born
17th November: Capital Markets Union: Safequarding investors is the key to success
17th November: MiFID-Kongress 2016: Eine Bestandsaufnahme
22nd July: Discussing the New Malta Seed Investment Scheme for Startups
26th June: Discussing Brexit on CBC Canada
24th June: ‘Here’s the twist’ – Patrick Young shares optimism about UK economy
Understanding CCP & the AntiTrust DB1-LSE Merger
To help explain the clearing house anti trust position of the proposed DB1-LSE merger, Patrick produced this 2 minute video.
1st March 2016: TRT News Turkey – Money Matters
[Patrick starts at 20:53]
16th February 2016: Cameron’s tough race to prevent Britain from leaving the EU
7th October 2015: Future Of FX & Derivatives Developments
5th July 2015: Economist on Greek austerity ‘no’ vote
2nd July 2015: Economist Patrick Young discusses potential benefits of debt
7th May 2015: Investment Adviser Patrick Young on Britain’s single currency reservation
20th April 2015: New risk and clearing culture around the corner?
15th April 2015: LME Clear’s impact on the clearing industry
6th February 2015: Tsargrad TV Moscow
Patrick on Greek crisis
27th January 2015: The most fascinating era for the capital markets
20th January 2015: What will the launch of real-time clearing at BM&FBOVESPA mean for the industry?
18th December 2014: The future of money – Where is cryptocurrency heading?
30th August 2014: Moriarty London Bitcoin Meetup
12th November 2014: Patrick L Young about merger mania
29th October 2013: EUROPEAN TRADING & INVESTING 2013
Patrick L Young from ditto.tv on Vimeo.
14th October 2013: My keystroke is my bond – Patrick L Young’s view on glitches
6th October 2013: Patrick L Young’s view on future trends for financial markets
‘Greek govt ultimate vodka addict in pool of vodka’